Sunday, September 22, 2013

Way To Greener Environment In Malaysia

Malaysia faces environmental crisis caused by pollution and impacts from human being activities.  More developing and more building means we must scarify the green area. Activity of widespread deforestation and clear the hillside normally will be done if there is developing activity. However, due to awareness create by the government some rules or a guideline has been introducing to greener and safe our environment.

Recycle is one of common way to greener environment in Malaysia. By reducing the amount of energy used by industry, recycling also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and help prevent global climate change. In addition to greenhouse gases, recycling can reduce a range of pollutants from entering the air and water. By decreasing the need to extract and process new raw materials from the earth, recycling can eliminate the pollution associated with the initial stages of a product’s development, material extraction, refining and processing.

Reuse to save the environment. Many item found around the home can be used for different purposes. So before you throw those item away, think about how they can be reused. If you do use paper daily then you can make eco-friendly paper choices. Here are some things you can do. Buy recycled and chlorine-free paper. Try paper made from organic products like bamboo, cotton or hemp or print on both sides of the paper. Shred old paper to use as packing material. Save and reuse old boxes. Use old sheets of paper for scrap paper or note taking. You also can use mistake prints as scribble paper.

            Beside recycle and reuse, replant also can be used to greener environment in Malaysia. Whether you have move in to a new home with an undeveloped landscape, you may find that planting trees in your yard is a required task. Trees add value to a property through providing shade, sheltering your home from wind and adding color and interest to your landscape. Replanting a tree requires specific steps to ensure that the tree remains healthy and is able to thrive in its new location.

We as residents of Malaysia should have spirit of love for the Malaysia lest we protected from the negative impacts. We are bringing the next generation to preserve our earth so that we and future generation can enjoy the natural beauty without environment crisis.

Negative Effect Of Facebook

As a student, I agree and aware of the dangers Facebook has to us. However, facebook may be harm than good not only to adults but also to teens and children. Currently, facebook has become a part of our life and culture.  Facebook is something most of us to check every day. Once people put themselves online as if for review, they are able to use the responses they get to see how other people see them. We provide a few hours just to click profile to profile, looking at pictures, comment to your friend activities and get latest gossip. Just because to find latest gossip from your friends surely the negative impact will see.

How addicted we have become to this social networking site. We wake up and check it like it is a newspaper and keep checking it throughout the day to see what gossip there is to pick up on. People have begun to post their every step, from waking up in the morning until the time they go to bed, including pictures of every meal they have. As every their thought is to put their thought about problems, joy or anything else they do in on facebook for their friends to see, they get used to behaving in front of crowd. This is problematic. People become used to thinking and doing everything in front of an audience. There may be more at play than just socializing. By doing this, they are wasting time then looking to do things more benefits.

            After posting their lives for their friends to see and to judge, people have come to use Facebook to put not only their relationships, but also their level of importance. We only put up the best pictures of ourselves, the most intellectual statuses and “about me” always sparkles not only with it, but also just a few of our favorite things. While not every user does this, some leave their profiles for a number of different reason. This may provide an opportunity to those who intent to make prank calls to victims. There is even an option to “check into” places you visit so everyone knows where you are. Facebook is available on your phone so you can log in while away from the computer, feeding your addiction even more. It can really take over your life in a short matter of time.

            I think the biggest, negative impact Facebook has on our lives is loss of privacy. For instance, if you do not set your profile to private, anybody has access to every piece of information you decide to share. One negative post can affect the way people receive you as a friend. Even if you do set your profile to private, there are still ways people manage to see things you are doing on here. An example would be if a friend of yours “likes” a photo or status you have, it will notify their friends of this, therefore the privacy setting is overthrown.

            Facebook is a wonderful place to keep in contact and share all your wonderful moments, but I also believe it is important to understand the negative impacts it can have on us. The traditional ways of communication are falling to the wayside, creating a culture of people who are almost afraid to interact with people. Your privacy and security are important, now more than ever, in this age of instant information. Most importantly, I think we need to remember to spend time with our family and friends outside of the internet and enjoy our time together.

Positive Effect Of Fast Food

It’s true that fast food restaurants offer foods that are fattening and unhealthy  but I believe they are still worth having in society since they provide several overlooked benefits. A positive aspect of fast food chains compared to some other more formal eatery of nutrition facts for their food. Having the knowledge about what is in the foods you are eating may help you make more informed and healthier decisions.

            One obvious advantage to having fast food  is that they are  cheap and able to most if not all of the  people. During this economic season every cent counts  and family with financial pressures are looking for the best deals out there. Fast food is definitely the best choice, since it appeals to kids’s tastes, and their parent’s tight budget.  Fast food make food so cheap, that they can afford to have a dollar or value menu, enabling people to have a whole meal for only a few minutes. Besides the low cost of fast food restaurants, the size of the meal you order makes a huge difference. Fast food restaurants give you the best for your because the fast food portions are enormous, and ensure your satisfaction.  Even though fast food is cheap it makes a lot of business, and employs a massive amount of workers.

            Another positive change in the fast-food world is the availability of foods prepared with healthier methods. Some changes are only a small step in the right direction, such as using vegetable oil instead of lard to fry foods, while other changes result in a significantly healthier food, such as grilled chicken breast or broiled fish. In addition to foods prepared in lower-fat ways, other healthier options have been added to many fast food menus. For example, the availability of fresh salads, low-fat yogurt, fruit cups and wheat buns can replace some of the higher fat and lower fiber meal options.

            Fast food can help people to save a lot of time, that’s why people don’t need to spend an hour in cooking. Fast food often seems like a quick solution for families with small children and working parents, but trying to instill healthy eating habits in young lives can be a challenge at fast food chains. Luckily, healthier kid-friendly alternatives are becoming more available. For example, low-fat milk is an option in place of sugary sodas. Apple slices can be chosen instead of high-fat french fries. The positive side of fast-food restaurants can go beyond the cost and convenience factors with a little effort in choosing the healthier options on the menu.

            Fast food often gets a bad reputation for being high in fat, calories and sodium. Some of the obvious appeal of eating fast food includes convenience and cost, but many fast-food chains are also altering their menus to appeal to a more health-conscious consumer. Although most foods are ok to eat as an occasional treat, some fast-food menu options are better choices than others.  It is essential to say that, people can eat fast food but not every day or every time!

Benefit Of SMS in Learning English Language

Short Message Service (SMS), more popularly known as text messaging, developed as an initial by-product of the cell phone. For the purposes of this study, the term text messaging will encompass short message service (SMS), text messaging. SMS was used to support learning through engaging students in formative assessment objective question with feedback, as well as sms based collaborative learning tasks.

SMS should be studied by students and anyone else wishing to participate in our technology driven world. Learning SMS is rather simple yet effective and essential for the text context in which it is used. Today’s quick moving economy and on the go lifestyle affords us all the luxury of being informed at all time.

Nowadays, technologies has changed life in many ways, including way of learning. We have distance teaching now. However, if student learn SMS text and teachers use it to give lesson, it will broaden the use of distance teaching.

Finding from summative evaluations of the initiative have consistently shown that learners appreciated the text messages and felt that the SMS had helped them to stay focused and engaged in their studies. The messages also useful in providing important related to the courses. SMS also allowed them to learn anytime and anywhere and had helped them manage their studies better.

Mobile learning via SMS helps reduce the transactional distance of psychological and communication space often faced by distance learners who are separated in terms og geographical distance and time. It also enables the university to reach out to learners outside of conventional communication spaces, and it helps to keep leaners connected to the university, their friends and their tutor.

Birthday Celebration

Date 22 August 2012, I turn to 18 years old. Actually we are still in Hari Raya mood. 4th day of Idulfitri celebration. Me and my family went to Melaka visit my grandmother and family member. We have been there about 1 night only and the next day moning we come back to Bangi.

My parent decide to drop by at Taman Botani Putrajaya. I just agree without notice any 'secret' plan from them.We arrive around 12.00pm. Its look like that people still celerate their Hari Raya. The place was quite
empty.  Suddenly, my brother bring a cake and all of them sing Happy Birthday song. I was so surprise. Even it is just small celebration in botani garden but I really appreaciate it. Alhamdulillah for this opportunity.

Hmmm, the cake is delicious; its my favourite,chocolate cake. The whether also nice and we enjoy capturing photo there. It is the memorable birthday celebration in my life.

              With my lovely family


Monday, September 2, 2013

Mobile Phone Effect

All the independently-funded studies that included long term users have found an association between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain tumours amongst adults  Some studies have found that people who have used mobile phones for more than a decade have 200% more brain tumours, and only on the side of the head where the user holds the phone.

A cellular phone is basically a radio that sends signals on waves to a base station. The carrier signal generates two types of radiation fields: a near-field plume and a far-field plume. Living organisms, too, generate electromagnetic fields at the cellular, tissue, organ, and organism level; this is called the biofield. Both the near-field and far-field plumes from cell phones and in the environment can wreak havoc with the human biofield, and when the biofield is compromised in any way, says Dr. Carlo, so is metabolism and physiology.
           “The near field plume is the one we’re most concerned with. This plume that’s generated within five or six inches of the center of a cell phone’s antenna is determined by the amount of power necessary to carry the signal to the base station,” he explains. “The more power there is, the farther the plume radiates the dangerous information-carrying radio waves.”
            A carrier wave oscillates at 1900 megahertz (MHz) in most phones, which is mostly invisible to our biological tissue and doesn’t do damage. The information-carrying secondary wave necessary to interpret voice or data is the problem, says Dr. Carlo. That wave cycles in a hertz (Hz) range familiar to the body. Your heart, for example, beats at two cycles per second, or two Hz. Our bodies recognize the information-carrying wave as an “invader,” setting in place protective biochemical reactions that alter physiology and cause biological problems that include intracellular free-radical buildup, leakage in the blood-brain barrier, genetic damage, disruption of intercellular communication, and an increase in the risk of tumors. The health dangers of recognizing the signal, therefore, aren’t from direct damage, but rather are due to the biochemical responses in the cell.
Here’s what happens:
  • Cellular energy is now used for protection rather than metabolism. Cell membranes harden, keeping nutrients out and waste products in.
  • Waste accumulating inside the cells creates a higher concentration of free radicals, leading to both disruption of DNA repair (micronuclei) and cellular dysfunction.
  • Unwanted cell death occurs, releasing the micronuclei from the disrupted DNA repair into the fluid between cells (interstitial fluid), where they are free to replicate and proliferate. This, says Dr. Carlo, is the most likely mechanism that contributes to cancer.
  • Damage occurs to proteins on the cell membrane, resulting in disruption of intercellular communication. When cells can’t communicate with each other, the result is impaired tissue, organ, and organism function. In the blood-brain barrier, for example, cells can’t keep dangerous chemicals from reaching the brain tissue, which results in damage.

           With the background levels of information-carrying radio waves dramatically increasing because of the widespread use of cell phones,Wi-Fi, and other wireless communication, the effects from the near and far-fields are very similar. Overall, says Dr. Carlo, almost all of the acute and chronic symptoms seen in electrosensitive patients can be explained in some part by disrupted intercellular communication. These symptoms of electrosensitivity include inability to sleep, general malaise, and headaches. Could this explain the increase in recent years of conditions such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and anxiety disorder?
         “One thing all these conditions have in common is a disruption, to varying degrees, of intercellular communication. When we were growing up, TV antennas were on top of our houses and such waves were up in the sky. Cell phones and Wi-Fi have brought those things down to the street, integrated them into the environment, and that’s absolutely new. The recognition mechanism, where protein vibration sensors on the cell membrane pick up a signal and interpret it as an invader, only works because the body recognizes something it’s never seen before.”
        As to increases in brain tumors tied to cell phone use, it’s too early to tell due to a lack of hard data, says Dr. Carlo. “We’re never going to see that in time to have it matter. Here in the US, we’re six years behind in getting the brain tumor database completed, and currently the best data are from 1999. By the time you see any data showing an increase, the ticking time bomb is set.”
Epidemic curve projections, however, indicate that in 2006, we can expect to see 40,000 to 50,000 cases of brain and eye cancer. This is based on published peer-reviewed studies that allow calculation of risk and construction of epidemic curves. By 2010, says Dr. Carlo, expect that number to be between 400,000 and 500,000 new cases worldwide.
       “This means we’re on the beginning curve of an epidemic, with epidemic defined as a change in the occurrence of a disease that is so dramatic in its increase that it portends serious public health consequences,” says Dr. Carlo. “This is what’s not being told to the public. One of the things that I suggest to people who use a cell phone is to use an air tube headset. If you use a wired headset, the current moving through the wire of the headset attracts ambient informational carrying radio waves and thereby increases your exposure.”

Giant Squid

Haiii guys,
         Today I would like to share with you about the Giant Squid.

In this photo released by Tsunemi Kubodera, a researcher with Japan's National Science Museum, a giant squid attacking a bait squid is pulled up by his research team off the Ogasawara Islands, south of Tokyo, on December 4, 2006.

Photograph courtesy Tsunemi Kubodera of the National Science Museum of Japan/AP

The giant squid remains largely a mystery to scientists despite being the biggest invertebrate on Earth. The largest of these elusive giants ever found measured 59 feet (18 meters) in length and weighed nearly a ton (900 kilograms).
However, their inhospitable deep-sea habitat has made them uniquely difficult to study, and almost everything scientists know about them is from carcasses that have washed up on beaches or been hauled in by fishermen. Lately, however, the fortunes of scientists studying these elusive creatures have begun to turn. In 2004 researchers in Japan took the first images ever of a live giant squid. And in late 2006, scientists with Japan's National Science Museum caught and brought to the surface a live 24-foot (7-meter) female giant squid.
Giant squid, along with their cousin, the colossal squid, have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, measuring some 10 inches (25 centimeters) in diameter. These massive organs allow them to detect objects in the lightless depths where most other animals would see nothing.
Like other squid species, they have eight arms and two longer feeding tentacles that help them bring food to their beak-like mouths. Their diet likely consists of fish, shrimp, and other squid, and some suggest they might even attack and eat small whales.
They maneuver their massive bodies with fins that seem diminutive for their size. They use their funnel as a propulsion system, drawing water into the mantle, or main part of the body, and forcing it out the back.

Scientists don't know enough about these beasts to say for sure what their range is, but giant squid carcasses have been found in all of the world's oceans.

Fast Facts
33 ft (10 m)
440 lbs (200 kg)
Group name:
Did you know?
A giant squid's eye can be as big as a beach ball.
Size relative to a bus:

I took this information from :