Sunday, September 22, 2013

Way To Greener Environment In Malaysia

Malaysia faces environmental crisis caused by pollution and impacts from human being activities.  More developing and more building means we must scarify the green area. Activity of widespread deforestation and clear the hillside normally will be done if there is developing activity. However, due to awareness create by the government some rules or a guideline has been introducing to greener and safe our environment.

Recycle is one of common way to greener environment in Malaysia. By reducing the amount of energy used by industry, recycling also reduces greenhouse gas emissions and help prevent global climate change. In addition to greenhouse gases, recycling can reduce a range of pollutants from entering the air and water. By decreasing the need to extract and process new raw materials from the earth, recycling can eliminate the pollution associated with the initial stages of a product’s development, material extraction, refining and processing.

Reuse to save the environment. Many item found around the home can be used for different purposes. So before you throw those item away, think about how they can be reused. If you do use paper daily then you can make eco-friendly paper choices. Here are some things you can do. Buy recycled and chlorine-free paper. Try paper made from organic products like bamboo, cotton or hemp or print on both sides of the paper. Shred old paper to use as packing material. Save and reuse old boxes. Use old sheets of paper for scrap paper or note taking. You also can use mistake prints as scribble paper.

            Beside recycle and reuse, replant also can be used to greener environment in Malaysia. Whether you have move in to a new home with an undeveloped landscape, you may find that planting trees in your yard is a required task. Trees add value to a property through providing shade, sheltering your home from wind and adding color and interest to your landscape. Replanting a tree requires specific steps to ensure that the tree remains healthy and is able to thrive in its new location.

We as residents of Malaysia should have spirit of love for the Malaysia lest we protected from the negative impacts. We are bringing the next generation to preserve our earth so that we and future generation can enjoy the natural beauty without environment crisis.

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